Yvonne and Jim Maggard Family Homepage
Summer, 2002 | Around the house | Faye, Ben, Had and Sharon visit us in 2001 | Our Grandson, Michael | Our Daughter, Dr. Angela Maggard, and her Family | The Jent Family | Jim Maggard, as Politician | The Maggard Family | Jim as DJ at Jackson Radio Station | Early Jim Maggard Family Pics | Fourth of July in Vicco, 2002 | Vicco, page 2 | Vicco, page 3 | Vicco, page 4 | Grandkids | September, 2003 | Yvonne and Elvis | More Angela Pics | Maggard Family Reunion, Sept., 2002 | Odds and Ends | Old Misc Pics | Old Pics from Little Kentucky | The People of Little | More people of Little | And More people of little | Our favorite Links


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Willie Allen of Little, plowing

Kelly Thompon and kids on his porch on Little

Mary (Duck) Thompson sitting on rock at Little.

Kelly Thompson with Kids on Little

Wille Allen and Jims sister, Faye, on Little

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Roscoe Maggard, Jim's brother , in grammer school

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